Sunday, September 29, 2019

Inclusion and diversity Essay

Identify the current legislations and codes of practise relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity The special educational needs code of practise 2001 This outlines the Constitutional guidance for the responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. This will likely be replaced with the children and young families bill 2013 Codes of practise on duty to promote race equality (2002) This code of practise makes sure that all schools have a written race equality policy written up. this policy should include information on practical on how schools will promote race equality. These are the outcome school policies should be aiming for. Reducing the gap in educational achievement between different races Improving behaviour Improving relationships between racial groups Ensure staff are working in a school that reflects cultural equality Admissions policy which does not discriminate Removing barriers to achievement This helps schools remove barriers holding back achievement of children with special educational needs and disabilities This is the government vision on how schools should go about children with special educational needs or a disability. Early intervention Removing barriers Raise achievement Disability equality scheme and access plan This ensures all schools produce a disability scheme. This scheme should say how schools go about promoting equality of opportunities for pupils, staff and others with disabilities the should also be an action plan that explains how barriers are removed. School policies Most schools have a mission statement that says how school set out how they are working on inclusion and equality. There will also be written policies, for the right and responsibilities of those within the school. Policies will provide guidance for staff and visitors on ways to ensure inclusive practise. There are a number of policies, which are: Race/cultural diversity Safeguarding/bullying Special educational needs Disability and access Equality of opportunity/inclusive practise Gifted and talented pupils Polices are made in response to legislation and codes of practise. The way schools promote rights and equality for children and young people should be put in these policies. There is a much greater focus on pupil’s outcomes. Schools need to monitor the strengths and weaknesses in policy. 1.2 Describe the importance of supporting the rights of all children and young people to participation and equality access Schools have a duty to ensure that all pupils have access to an equal curriculum not matter their race, gender, culture, additional needs or disability. Raising achievement Making sure all pupils have equal access to the curriculum will help the personal achievement of children and young people. Studies over a number of years have shown that some groups of children do not reach their expected achievement. The groups of children that haven’t met expectations are children from black and minority ethnic groups or children who are vulnerable due to their economic or physical circumstances. Equal opportunity does just treating all pupils the same but ensuring that the curriculum meets all the need of each individual pupil. Improving participation Participation means making sure everyone is involved. There should be time granted to talk to children and their parents about the curriculum. Schools can achieve participation by having student councils and parent evenings, also by just asking children in the classroom how they think they learn best and what could be improved. Developing sense of identity Allowing children to access all of what is happening the school gives them a sense of belonging. When giving children the chance to participate they then feel valued and that they are making a valid contribution. We should also help children and young people become independent learners. We can do this by letting children have the chances to make there own choices they are more likely to be more motivated towards their learning. This will give the children the feeling of self-worth and well-being. Improving relationships between individuals and groups Policies that promote equality and inclusion can only give out a positive message. Children need to have their rights protected and should also be taught about their responsibilities to others. Respect can be promoted to children and young people through your everyday actions as you set an example for the groups you work with. 1.3 Describe the importance and benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with children and young people Culture has many different meanings. Culture can be perceived as nationality and religions. This gives groups of people in society their identity. By understanding and promoting different cultural diversities in school help the pupil gain a better understand of one another. It is important the you know the cultural diversities of the pupils within your school especially the children you work with as you will be able to  make links between their own lives and learning. Being able to understand a pupil’s background culture will be the stepping-stone to building and effective relationship. As culture in society is very diverse today diversity should be reflected in the curriculum othroughout. For example, stories and dramas from a wide range of different cultures this will show that you value other cultures and allow pupils to explore different cultures from their own. 2.1 describe ways in which children and young people can experience prejudice and discrimination Prejudice stems from a lack of knowledge and understanding of diversity. Prejudice is jumping to a conclusion about children or young people because they are in a certain group. For example, if a child was disabled assuming they have a learning difficulty. When people are being prejudice they tend to label children. Labels may be given to a single child or a group of children. Labels are formed on a specific characteristic because of prejudice for example, a group of children being labelled the â€Å"naughty† children. There are two types of discrimination children and young people face direct and indirect discrimination Direct discrimination Direct discrimination is when children or young people are not permitted to access a part of the schools curriculum due to their gender, race or disability. For example when a school doesn’t accept a pupil because of their special educational needs or a group of children not allowing another child to participate because of their race. Indirect discrimination This is difficult to spot, this can happen when practise and procedures are used without taking individuals circumstances into consideration. A child may not be directly excluded but due to their circumstances they are unable to participate. 2.2 describe the impact of prejudice and discrimination on children and young  people Prejudice and discrimination will only have a negative effect on children and young people. This will have a big impact on their academic progress of children and also discrimination will have a negative effect on their overall health. Children and young people may feel (when experiencing discrimination) Loss of self esteem Anger Confusion Depression Lack of motivation 2.3 assess how attitudes, values and behaviour could impact on work with children and young people Everyone working within a school has the legal duty to protect the rights of children and young people. You must take into consideration how your attitudes and values have an impact on the way you work with children. The way a child is brought up can have an effect on the way they act towards individuals and groups. Personal prejudice can lead to discriminatory practice; learning about the different religious beliefs of the children that you work with and knowing about any special educational needs or disabilities can overcome this. 2.4 describe the importance of promoting anti-discriminatory practise in work with children and young people The promotion of anti-discriminatory practise should reinforce all work done in schools. Schools should not just have policies and statements put in place about anti-discriminatory practice, schools must demonstrate anti-discriminatory practice. It is important to monitor how good practice has a positive effect on children and young people’s education and general  well being. 2.5 describe how to challenge discrimination To be able to challenge discriminations you have to recognise anti-discriminatory practice. All staff in schools must protect children from discrimination if you ignore it that shows you are condoning this behaviour. You have to take into consideration how a child may feel if they are experiencing discrimination and a member of staff who is meant to be supporting them ignores them. The child may see as you agree with the perpetrator or that the way they are being treated is normal. It can be difficult to challenge if it is practiced or institutional by a colleague so it is important how you approach different and difficult situations. To be able to challenge discrimination you need to have knowledge of policy, practice and procedures. If you’re more familiar with what is a good practice you will be able to handle incidents better when they arise. Discrimination can be intentional or just ignorance and a lack of understanding. It will be hard to change the views of others but you must confront discriminatory actions and comments. When challenging discrimination you must: Explain what has happened Tell them what effect is has on the individual Model ways to ensure anti-discriminatory practice When anti-discriminatory practice arises, you must speak to your manager or supervisor. 3.1 describe what is meant by inclusion and inclusive practice Inclusive practice is identifying, understanding and breaking down barriers of participation. Inclusion is about making sure all pupils within schools  are able to participate no matter their background or situation. Inclusive practices will make everyone feel valued and have a sense of belonging. Inclusion is making sure that everyone is provided with the same opportunity and access to a high quality education. 3.2 describe features of an inclusive setting for children and young people A school ethos is hard to sum up; it becomes clearer once you enter a school building. There is a feeling that everyone matters. Children and young people feel confident when they approach a member of staff. The schools surroundings reflect the diversity within the school. An inclusive setting is being able to use the whole school as an approach to learning. Barriers are identified and methods are come up with to remove them. Children with special educational needs or disabilities, have strategies put in place which focus on that child or young persons needs. A school setting, which is inclusive, will have the following features: Barriers are recognise and staff have a good understanding of individuals and groups of children Barriers are minimised or removed Pupils are educated together and not segregated from their peers Children’s views and opinions are listened to and valued There are clear policies and procedures and are reviewed regularly All staff are trained regularly relating to inclusion Schools work in partnership with their stakeholders School and outside organisations work in partnership 3.3 describe how inclusion works in own sector of the children’s workforce Professionals that work with children must all share a common understanding of values and principles of inclusion. The ways in which these values are practiced are different depending on the type of organisation and its role in education. No matter the organisation the child should always be the centre of practice. Early years foundation and the national curriculum gives clear guidance on an inclusive approach to learning and assessment. Early years foundation have set out requirements for meeting the need of all children under its equal opportunity section. The national curriculum statement states schools must: Provide a curriculum which ensures active participation and achievement of all pupils Meet the needs an interests of all pupils Recognise and overcome potential barriers Recognise pupils entitlement to high quality learning experiences Personalised learning School have began adopting a system of personalised learning in an attempt to raise standards. This focuses on individual children and young people. Personalised learning makes sure that all children no matter their background, special educational needs, culture or disability, attain the support they need to progress. When personalised learning is successful, children and young people experience: Personal targets Staff who have high expectations A challenging curriculum More focused assessment Early identification and intervention when targets are not reached Promoting well-being through an inclusive curriculum A schools key role is to provide a good quality education through a curriculum that is inclusive to everyone but the school also has a wide role to full fill ensuring the well being of children, Every child matters/help children achieve very child matters was introduced in 2003 following the death of victoria climbe, although the emphasis is still on better outcomes for children, what was also highlighted in the inquiry was that services to work more closely to support the needs and right of all children. Schools and other child services should be all working towards these five outcomes: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well being

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